This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at If you’ve got a column chart with lots of labels, chances are, the labels have gotten twisted diagonally, like this: Diagonal text takes longer to read than plain ol’ horizontal text, so we want to avoid it. In this lesson, you’ll learn 5 […]
El (p)arte del Pensamiento Evaluativo
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Retomamos las ideas de Thomas Archibald sobre «Habilidades de pensamiento crítico y evaluativo para la evaluación transformadora». Nos centramos en el «Pensamiento evaluativo para la evaluación transformadora« Según Patton, “La evaluación es una actividad. El pensamiento evaluativo es una forma de hacer negocios. Esta […]
Algunos retos para la evaluación de programas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Algunos retos para la evaluación de programas en el presente y futuro pasan por adaptarse a un entorno cada vez más complejo y dinámico. Aquí hay algunos aspectos clave de este desafío: Medición de Impacto a Largo Plazo: Evaluar el impacto sostenible de […]
Eval Academy’s Top 10 Posts and Resources of 2024
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at To celebrate the end of the year, we’ve highlighted Eval Academy’s top ten posts and resources from 2024. What posts or resources would you like to see in 2025? Comment below, tweet us @EvalAcademy or connect with us on LinkedIn! Top posts of […]
New template: “Top 10 tips for facilitating an evaluation planning meeting”
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Eval Academy just released a new, free template: “Top 10 tips for facilitating an evaluation planning meeting” Top 10 Tips for Facilitating an Evaluation Planning Meeting CA$0.00 Curious about how to facilitate effective evaluation planning meetings? […]
Transitioning a project to a new evaluation lead
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Recently, I took over as an evaluation lead for a large and complex evaluation project. The transition happened suddenly, much earlier than the scheduled date. Thus, we lost much of our preparation time, and I had […]
Add *Embedded* Captions to Recorded Presentations with Descript
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you presenting online? Are you sharing the replays with attendees? Captions increase the accessibility of our recordings, making it easier for attendees with hearing issues, audio/tech glitches, and non-English speakers to follow our ideas. In this lesson, you’ll learn about embedded captions […]
La Importancia de Escribir sobre Evaluación y Aprendizaje en Español en la Era de la IA
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Soy un nostálgico, quiero seguir pensando que escribir posts en español sobre evaluación y aprendizaje en el sector de la ayuda internacional sigue teniendo múltiples beneficios, tanto a nivel personal como colectivo: A Nivel Personal Gestión del Conocimiento Personal: Reflexión y Aprendizaje: Escribir […]
What is adult learning, and its role in evaluation?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This week’s post was written by Chantal Hoff. Chantal is an epidemiologist by training, who works as an evaluator and Senior Consultant at Data+Soul Research. You can learn more about Chantal on LinkedIn and about Data+Soul Research on their website. How it started: […]
4 Types of Maps: Pin Drops, Heat Maps, Tile Grids, and Overlays
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at During Office Hours, Sue Griffey walked us through the pros and cons of 3 different mapping approaches: Pin drop maps (made for free with Google) Heat maps (made with Excel) Tile grid maps (also made in Excel) Overlay maps (tile grids, icon stacks, […]