This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Is it worth upgrading your Canva Free account to Canva Pro? Is Canva for Teams a different thing? Is Canva Pro really free for Nonprofits & Schools? So if you read my blog, you probably already know I’m a big fan of Canva. […]
Human Centered Report Design
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you searching for a modern reporting strategy that leads to visual reports other human beings would actually appreciate? I wrote you an eBook. You can download the new eBook here. Here is what you’ll find inside the 35 page visual eBook. It’s […]
Make Dissemination Easy
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Sharing our work well takes skill and experience. But not every data person has these skills. Should they? Qualified to Do the Work ? Qualified to Share the Work The vast majority of PhD and MA programs are not going to give their […]
Designing a Seesaw Graph with Canva and Flourish [Walkthrough]
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So welcome to a new series of blog posts. Each will be a type of design walkthrough. In these posts I will start with a chart or piece of information found in a real report and adapt it into something different (not always […]
New Free Course on Micrographics
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I’m trying out a new style of course, and for the moment, it’s free. Even the best designed full reports are only read by so many people. It might be the marquee deliverable you pass on to your client. The thing that addresses […]
14 tips to make reporting easier.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Looking for ways to make reporting easier? In this blog post I share a collection of tips. When talking about my book with folks I get a lot of head nods. But then the obvious question comes next… “Okay, but what do I […]
Are you reporting or documenting?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Do you know why so many research and evaluation reports are super long and boring? I have a theory. One nice thing about putting all of your ideas into a book is that it makes it easier to chat about those ideas with […]
5 Tools that Make Reporting Easier AND Better
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In today’s post I’ll share my five favorite reporting tools. And no, my list doesn’t include Excel, PowerPoint, Word, R, Illustrator, D3, Tableau, or PowerBI. My Quest. I think I’ve been on a quest. Now I didn’t know I was on a quest. […]
Stop it with the Interactive Dashboards
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So your organization gave you a Tableau license. Or perhaps you attended a half-day PowerBI workshop. Now you’re ready to use your new tools and make some of your data interactive. But should you? Not everything should be interactive! Tools like Tableau and […]
Stop Speaking for the Data
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s late August, and are into another hot week here in North Carolina. So yet again I was outside with the hose watering our little vegetable garden. And in that meditative moment I thought about The Lorax. I am the Lorax. I speak […]