This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Among the greatest challenges of doing research and evaluation is ensuring you get participation from enough (and the right) people. Surveys are everywhere. It feels like everyone wants our feedback on just about everything. Yet, the more surveys out there the more we […]
The “mixing” in mixed methods
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In evaluation, we use multiple types and sources of data, diverse methods of collection, or multiple evaluators to answer evaluation questions. Data integration is a way of merging these data from different sources through mixed methods. Data integration can enhance reliability in evaluation […]
Color Theory, Color Wheels, Color Themes, Color Pickers, and More.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Gone are the days when all your reports were just in black and white. Sure, black and white is still cheaper to print, but color printers do exist. And who even prints anything anymore when most of what we read sits on a […]
Self Care Corner: Representation Burnout
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I’ve been putting off writing this blog post for nearly 2 years. Mostly because it’s complicated to talk about. Representation burnout. I first came across this term via Shine’s article “Why We Need to Talk About – and Recognize – Representation Burnout” by […]
Leon Festinger y la Teoría de la disonancia cognitiva
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Leon Festinger (Nueva York, 1919-Nueva York, 1989) fue un psicólogo social estadounidense. Fue autor de la Teoría de la disonancia cognitiva (1957), obra en la que expone su teoría de la disonancia cognitiva, que revolucionó el campo de la psicología social, y que ha tenido múltiples aplicaciones […]
¿Cuándo la gestión del conocimiento genera valor organizacional?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Algunos ejemplos de actividades de Gestión del Conocimiento (GC) que, cuando se realizan de manera óptima, pueden generar el mayor valor para nuestras organizaciones: desarrollo de capacidad, buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas, productos del conocimiento, colaboración y tecnología colaborativa. 1.Desarrollo de capacidad Desarrollar […]
Cuestionando la coordinación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En Las grandes preguntas en torno a la coordinación, considerábamos algunas de las preguntas para mejorar la coordinación y el trabajo conjunto. Estas incluyen entendimiento, motivación, prioridades y elementos prácticos para la coordinación: • Entendimiento común: ¿Tenemos un entendimiento común de lo que significa “coordinación” ? ¿Necesitamos uno? […]
Are they really demanding shorter reports, or just less to read?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So I had this idea in my head for a long time. Given how the web has fundamentally changed the way we design and share information, eventually the new design methods will work their way into the evaluation world. Reports will change because […]
Future Regrets
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have you ever thought: I wished I’d done [something] different? We all have. Regrets are part of what defines us as humans. Looking back over mistakes or missed opportunities can lead us forward into making better decisions about the future if we let […]
Ask Nicole: The Best Way to Follow Up with Former Clients
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. In late Summer 2021, I started a strategic planning project with a new client organization. During the initial meeting, the Executive Director and I caught up a bit. This Executive Director had […]