This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you searching for a modern reporting strategy that leads to visual reports other human beings would actually appreciate? I wrote you an eBook. You can download the new eBook here. Here is what you’ll find inside the 35 page visual eBook. It’s […]
AEA Coffee Break: Five Core Processes for Enhancing the Quality of Qualitative Evaluation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Presenter: Jennifer Jewiss Date: 25 October 2022 The presenter had reflective questions for the audience, so I figured I’d put mine here, along with my notes from the webinar. Reflective questions 1: When I think of qualitative approaches to evaluation, the following words […]
Insights on participant ownership in evaluation and learning
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A starting list Earlier this year we were asking the representative of a grassroots organization whether and how they would be interested in being involved in the learning and evaluation work of one of our foundation clients. They told us that what is truly […]
Stop Using Tiny, Grainy Photos in PowerPoint!!!
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s not 1995. Last week, I was leading a post-conference workshop with CQI professionals in California. You can learn more about their annual conferences here. An attendee asked about best practices for adding photographs to our PowerPoint presentations. Before Let’s pretend that you’re […]
Action Planning for Coalitions – Strategic Doing
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Make Dissemination Easy
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Sharing our work well takes skill and experience. But not every data person has these skills. Should they? Qualified to Do the Work ? Qualified to Share the Work The vast majority of PhD and MA programs are not going to give their […]
Do You Need a Single Map, or Several Maps?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Here’s a counterintuitive dataviz principle: Sometimes, it’s easier to understand several small graphs than a single graph. I was recently working with an organization to visualize which states were using their software programs. States might use: Software A Software B Or, both software […]
Designing a Seesaw Graph with Canva and Flourish [Walkthrough]
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So welcome to a new series of blog posts. Each will be a type of design walkthrough. In these posts I will start with a chart or piece of information found in a real report and adapt it into something different (not always […]
Centering Equity in Collective Impact
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New Free Course on Micrographics
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I’m trying out a new style of course, and for the moment, it’s free. Even the best designed full reports are only read by so many people. It might be the marquee deliverable you pass on to your client. The thing that addresses […]