This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In my evaluation work, I wear many hats, often balancing multiple roles each day: consultant, coach, collaborator, writer, designer, advocate. Right now the hat I am most proud of is solopreneur. In 2021, I took the leap to move to full-time solopreneurship and […]
Comment on How To Design Reports that Actually Inform Decisions by MaryQueen Ekong
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Interesting facts. I want to learn more to improve on my report writing. Thank you
Shifting Data Visualization Feedback From Criticism to Curiosity
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Years ago, when I first learned about data visualization, I went all in. I read books and blogs, listened to podcasts, attended workshops, and poured over the guiding principles. I thought that if I understood the rules, then I could get it “right.” […]
Adopting Inclusive & Non-Violent Language: Part 3
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is the third post in a series in which I share my experiences adopting more inclusive and non-violent language into my work. Part 1 discussed inclusive and strengths-based language, Part 2 discussed non-violent language, and Part 3 (this one) talks about language […]
Creating & Labeling Small Multiple Bar Charts in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at One of the most popular Excel tricks in my data visualization workshops is creating small multiple bar charts. This post is a guide for how to create this type of chart. It also explains how to go beyond the Excel defaults to automatically […]
Adopting Inclusive and Non-Violent Language: Part 2
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This 2-part post will share my experiences adopting more inclusive and non-violent language into my work. Part 1 will discuss inclusive and strengths-based language while Part 2 (this one) will discuss non-violent language. The post Adopting Inclusive and Non-Violent Language: Part 2 appeared […]
Adopting Inclusive and Non-Violent Language: Part 1
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This 2-part post will share my experiences adopting more inclusive and non-violent language into my work. Part 1 (this one) will discuss inclusive and strengths-based language while Part 2 will discuss non-violent language. The post Adopting Inclusive and Non-Violent Language: Part 1 appeared […]
Comment on Wearing Many Hats: Where Does the Role of Evaluator End? by How Am I? I’m Sitting in the Suck – Elizabeth Grim
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] an evaluator, I am a professional question asker. And yet personally, the hardest question for me has been to […]
How Am I? I’m Sitting in the Suck
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at “How are you?” Ugh this question makes me cringe. My answer to this is usually “fine.” And not because I am. I am most certainly not fine right now. As an evaluator, I am a professional question asker. And yet personally, the hardest […]
Comment on Pancreas Ponderings: What T1D Has Taught Me About Eval by Maggie Cosgrove
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Thank you. As a parent whose child has T1D who is also an evaluator, my experience with diabetes has made me more empathetic. Im a better person than before diagnosis but I’d go back to being my old self if I could erase […]