This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at 2021 was a rough year personally; our family of 5 experienced a million health issues and hospital stays, and the bills afterwards were crushing. 2022 can’t be that terrible. Right? Right?? I’m on a mission to make 2022 as healthy and positive as […]
Top 21 Dataviz Resources of 2021
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at 6,000 total participants in our dataviz training academy so far (with 5 cohorts going through our Full Courses in 2021 alone). 28 blog posts. 14 YouTube videos. 6 podcast interviews. 1 new baby. What a year. Top 21 Dataviz Resources of 2021 Want to do some year-end learning as 2021 winds down? […]
Accessibility Quick Wins: Lower the Numeracy Level
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
Accessibility Quick Wins: Lower the Reading Level
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
Accessibility Quick Wins: Remove Legends and Directly Label
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
10 Tips for Redesigning Reports
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at 2011 called. It wants its 100-page reports back. My wish: Limit yourself to just 30 pages (or less!). It wants its portrait reports back. Are people printing your doc… or reading it from their (landscape) computer? It wants its text-heavy reports back. We […]
Designing a Prettier and More Effective Dashboard with Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Shawna Rohrman, Ph.D., is the Evaluation Manager for the Cuyahoga County Office of Early Childhood and its public-private partnership, Invest in Children. She enrolled in our Dashboard Design course and is sharing how she uses her new skills in real life. Thanks for […]
Speeding Up Your Data Viz (& Preventing Future Injuries) Using Custom Commands in Dragon
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Andrew Forsman is a Depict Data Studio student and self-described “data viz nerd” who has over 10 years of experience helping organizations plan for, execute, and learn from research and evaluations. They’re here this week sharing time-saving tips on using a voice command […]
A Trick, a Tip and a Thing to Try in Your Next Presentation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Depict Data Studio full courses always end with a graduation ceremony where participants share the progress they’ve made in the course. I’m always amazed by the transformations that take place and I can’t help but want to share their wonderful work! In this […]
Creating a Powerful Presentation: 3 Easy Changes to Revamp your PowerPoint
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Depict Data Studio full courses always end with a graduation ceremony where students share the progress they’ve made in the course. I’m always amazed by the transformations that take place and I can’t help but want to share their wonderful work! Today you’ll […]