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Taking the next steps in your data design journey starts with knowing yourself.
I remember when I first started getting into data visualization design. When bloggers would go to define data visualization design they would often share a type of Venn diagram. On the Venn you would usually find one of the circles focused on design, a second circle focused on data analysis, and a third focused on technology or code.
For far too long I tried to make my way to the center of that diagram. I learned a little about a lot and really started to become the cliche, “jack of all trades, master of none.”
I don’t suggest following the same path.

Picking a data design direction.
It doesn’t hurt to dabble a little in all things data design. It’s really the only way you’re going to find the path that’s right for you.
But if you truly want to develop your skillset, a little bit of focus is going to be helpful. From my experience there are generally five different pathways to take if you want to grow as a data designer. They end up being a kind of personality type.
- The Coder
- The BI Developer
- The Graphic Designer
- The Microsoft MVP
- The Practical Creative
For me now-a-days, I am mostly number 5 with a minor in number 3.
Which type are you?
I put together a short little quiz.
I’ll probably tweak it a bit in the future or make it a little more comprehensive. But for now it exists to give you a least a basic idea of which path you might want to follow.
At the end of the quiz I also leave with you some advice and websites to check out based on your answers. I also let you know if you should consider my information design academy, or not. Like I’ve said in the past, the academy is not for everyone.
If you do take the quiz, I would love to see what you think of your results in the comments.