This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: theoryofchange Siguiendo con nuestra serie sobre Teoría del Cambio (TdC), apuntamos algunos retos para utilizar la teoría del cambio más allá del diseño de las intervenciones y en apoyo de una gestión adaptativa: Confirmemos la plausibilidad de nuestra TdC: Después del diálogo […]
El marco de competencias en evaluación de Naciones Unidas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: onboarding-process-header ¿Qué son las competencias? Las competencias pueden definirse como “grupos de conocimientos, habilidades, atributos y otros requisitos relacionados necesarios para un desempeño laboral exitoso”. Cada puesto de trabajo tiene su propio conjunto de competencias. Al identificar los requisitos de competencia, es […]
What is Developmental Evaluation? Cartoon Glossary
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is a series of posts providing quick of overviews of important topics in research and evaluation. Each post in this series will include at least 3 cartoons from my archives and at least 3 links to recommended resources. I only give quotes here […]
How to Present Your Evaluation Timelines: 4 Simple Ideas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Here at Eval Academy we are big fans of keeping evaluation simple and that includes how we present our evaluation timelines. While the level of detail you require is likely different whether you are using the timeline for your own planning purposes […]
How to Plan Your Evaluation Timelines: 5 Simple Tips
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Sitting down to figure out how long your evaluation activities will take can be a daunting process. Evaluations are trickier than programs as they often rely on program timelines and external activities. How can you plan and predict your evaluation activities when […]
Función de evaluación descentralizada en el Sistema de Naciones Unidas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: Continuando con el pasado post sobre “La función de evaluación central en el Sistema de Naciones Unidas“, la evaluación descentralizada se planifica, gestiona y realiza fuera del departamento de evaluación central de una organización. En un principio se la denominó “autoevaluación”, […]
How to Create Icon Arrays in Adobe XD
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is the second in a series of posts on chart design in Adobe XD. In each post we will take on a different chart type. Today we’ll talk about one of my all time favorite charts, the Icon Array. What you’ll find […]
Use Google Maps to explore your data in a new way
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Isn’t it so gratifying to learn a new skill and get to apply it? One thing I’ve been learning lately is how to use ArcGIS, a super fancy mapping tool that allows you to collect, analyze, and visualize all sorts of data. I’ve talked […]
Ask Nicole: How Do I Get into Consulting?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like featured? Let me know. First off, (since this is my first post of 2021), Happy New Year! Now, let’s get into this month’s question. This month’s topic is an umbrella question based on several emails I’ve gotten over […]
What are Evaluation Questions? Cartoon Glossary
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is a series of posts providing quick of overviews of important topics in research and evaluation. Each post in this series will include at least 3 cartoons from my archives and at least 3 links to recommended resources. I only give quotes […]