This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at One of the most profound, fun, and engaging techniques for creating an attractive service or product design is oddly focused on the exact opposite: Designing for Awful. How to use this This strategy is as simple as it is effective. When workshopping ideas […]
Funding is Coming: Get Your Evidence Ready!
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Here’s a sentence we don’t often get to say in education: the motherlode of funding is coming our way! The recently-passed American Rescue Plan Act has set aside … brace yourself … over $2 BILLION for out-of-school time (OST) — after-school and summer […]
El pensamiento evaluativo en el diseño y seguimiento de intervenciones
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente El pensamiento evaluativo puede reforzar el ciclo de gestión y planificación, mejorando la calidad del diseño y del sistema de seguimiento de las intervenciones: 1.Desarrollo y diseño de la intervención Cómo incorporar aprendizajes y hallazgos de evaluaciones previas en el diseño de […]
How to Create Power Point Infographic Templates Using Canva
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In the research and evaluation worlds where I tend to do most of my work, Microsoft Office reigns supreme. I have nothing against Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. But I just find some other tools are just easier to use for certain tasks (such […]
10 Must-Have Analytical Skills
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at That beautiful chart is one of the last steps in the analytical process. For most projects, it goes something like this: Planning. Figure out what data you need. You might get data requests from your boss. You might hold a months-long strategic planning […]
La descolonización de la evaluación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente En relación a las dinámicas de poder en la producción de conocimiento Foucault (1977) observa que lo que sabemos y cómo sabemos se basa en prácticas humanas, políticas y de poder históricos cambiantes y diversos. En la producción de conocimiento existen múltiples […]
Comment on Social and Emotional Learning is Imperative and in Museum Educators’ Wheelhouse by Social and Emotional Learning is Imperative and in Museum Educators’ Wheelhouse: Part 2 » RK&A
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] clients, colleagues, and research participants further drove this point home for me. In my first post, I wrote about how important question-posing is for social and emotional learning and how museum […]
Síntesis de evaluaciones: tesoros, oportunidades y retos
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Seguimos hablando de “Síntesis” con el documento “Compendio revisado de métodos de evaluación (2019-2020)”, del “Grupo de trabajo de métodos” del Grupo de Evaluación de Naciones Unidas (UNEG), donde encontramos que la síntesis de evaluaciones intenta (1) combinar el conocimiento de evaluación […]
Social Network Analysis and Evaluation: Learnings From the Evaluator and the Client
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This past year, our team at Three Hive Consulting worked with a community development initiative to evaluate their activities. A key function of the initiative was to serve as a connector and integrator, bringing together different individuals, groups, and organizations who were […]
Síntesis de evaluaciones
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Desde la plataforma BetterEvaluation comparten este post “Sintetizar datos a través de evaluaciones“, donde se presentan enfoques y técnicas con el objetivo de responder a preguntas sobre un tipo de intervención en lugar de sobre un solo caso, respondiendo a preguntas como […]