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Perspective Taking Circles
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at The power of perspective is one of the things that differentiates high output and impact innovators from others. It’s easy to get lucky or have good timing, but it’s another to create value when those things don’t happen. One of the ways we […]
Dial Down Your Data
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Six hacks for renovating your evaluation report PART 6 This article is Part 6 in a six-part series that walks you through how to reno your evaluation reports using six of Canva’s design lessons. Part 1 focused on how to take your audience […]
Evaluation Roundup – March 2021
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Welcome to our monthly roundup of new and noteworthy evaluation news and resources – here is the latest. Have something you’d like to see here? Tweet us @EvalAcademy! New and Noteworthy — Reads Applying Evaluation Criteria Thoughtfully The Organization for Economic Co-operation and […]
Las cinco competencias en evaluación según UNEG
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Dentro de nuestra sección de “Competencias“, continuamos y profundizamos el pasado post ¿Qué son las competencias? donde se definían las competencias en evaluación basadas en el informe de UNEG El marco de competencias de evaluación de Naciones Unidas (2016). Las secciones de este informe […]
How to build an online community of practice (8 Tips)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at For a little over a year I have had the pleasure of designing and facilitating a specific public health program focused evaluation community of practice. I have had a great partner in this work and have learned a lot about virtual community building. […]
El desarrollo de capacidades para la “traducción” de conocimiento
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at El conocimiento debe destilarse antes de que esté listo para su aplicación. Es esencial sintetizar la información existente para contextualizar e integrar los hallazgos de un estudio de investigación individual dentro de un cuerpo de conocimiento más amplio. El trabajo de ODI, para […]
How to Use Vlookup in Microsoft Excel: Two Step-by-Step Examples for Beginners
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Vlookup is my all-time favorite function in Excel! (Well, the entire lookup family—vlookup, hlookup, index-match, and xlookup.) In this blog post, you’ll learn: What vlookup is used for; Why vlookup can be tricky; and How to fill in the four pieces of the […]
Creating & Labeling Small Multiple Bar Charts in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at One of the most popular Excel tricks in my data visualization workshops is creating small multiple bar charts. This post is a guide for how to create this type of chart. It also explains how to go beyond the Excel defaults to automatically […]
Aprendizaje sobre la gestión basada en resultados
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Continuando con un post anterior sobre el “sueño del aprendizaje de evaluaciones y revisiones de la gestión basada en resultados“, adentrándonos un poco más en el contenido de este documento, de marzo de 2019, desde la OCDE: “Aprendizaje de evaluaciones y revisiones de la […]