This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. I had a “quantity” mindset when I started out as a consultant, taking on multiple projects at once to build my portfolio. It was a lot, considering I still worked my full-time […]
Evaluation Question Examples
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A blank page can intimidate any writer. The same goes for evaluators – that “evaluation questions” column in your evaluation plan may be daunting. Looking at examples of real-world evaluation questions just might inspire your own. We’ve already covered how to write good […]
How We Evaluated: A Virtual Health Initiative
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Understanding what you need to know. Designing your approach to finding the answers. Easy enough in theory, but real-world examples can show you have to apply theory to practice. That’s why we’re sharing this series on how we evaluated. In this post, I describe how Three Hive […]
La evaluación en la rendición de cuentas para resultados de planes estratégicos
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente La función de evaluación puede reforzar el ciclo de gestión y planificación, mejorando la calidad del diseño y del sistema de seguimiento de los Planes Estratégicos de nuestras organizaciones. A través de la Política de Evaluación y el Plan de Trabajo de […]
How to Pass the Excel Certification Exam
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want to pass the Excel certification exam? Maybe you want proof that you can rock Excel for your resume? For your LinkedIn profile? Do you want a confidence boost that, yes, you know Excel? Do you want your boss to feel confidence that, […]
Adopting Inclusive & Non-Violent Language: Part 3
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is the third post in a series in which I share my experiences adopting more inclusive and non-violent language into my work. Part 1 discussed inclusive and strengths-based language, Part 2 discussed non-violent language, and Part 3 (this one) talks about language […]
Evaluación durante el desarrollo de la gestión basada en resultados en UNFPA
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ya hemos discutido en otros posts sobre las “evaluaciones durante el desarrollo” (developmental evaluation) que (1) ayudan a identificar opciones innovadoras en condiciones complejas, inciertas y dinámicas asociadas con el desarrollo de una nueva iniciativa. También (2) tienen una visión de futuro y […]
Comment on Vulnerability (in the Workplace) in the Time of a Pandemic by Relevance Revisited » RK&A
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] post-2020 is to be bold, to question the status quo, to take risks. Boldness relates to vulnerability, which I wrote about in the early weeks of the pandemic. Being truly bold requires that one […]
Improving Our Museum Labels Through A Harm Reduction Lens: Part 1
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s always a pleasure to share this page with our friends and colleagues in museums. Today we’re delighted to share the first post in a new four-part series by Rachel Nicholson from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (located in Kansas City, MO). Every […]
Tengo un sueño: una Teoría del Cambio para la Gestión Basada en Resultados
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente En general los enfoques de Gestión Basada en Resultados en las organizaciones de desarrollo son (a) inconsistentes, (b) subóptimos, incluso (c) contraproducentes y, a veces, (d) todos a un tiempo. Además la mala aplicación de la Gestión Basada en Resultados tiene con […]