This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Siguiendo con nuestra sección “Estructuras LIberadoras“, aquí la continuación del post “El poder mágico de las Estructuras Liberadoras (I)“, que a su vez se baa en ese post de Nadia von Holzen “El poder mágico de Estructuras Liberadoras: una mirada más allá de […]
Dashboard Design and “The Big Picture” in Dataviz: A Conversation with Steve Wexler
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I recently had the chance to talk with Steve Wexler, founder of Data Revelations, author of The Big Picture: How to Use Data Visualization to Make Better Decisions- Faster and co-author of The Big Book of Dashboards: Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios. Steve joined […]
The Chief Fill-in-the-Blank Officer: A Trend in Museum Restructuring
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Combining experiences at the helm of nature and science museums with insights from literature and courses on leadership, Emlyn Koster reflects on the corporate roots of this trend and its application to the museum sector. An unfortunate paradox surrounds the subject of organizational […]
Use Your Data to Celebrate Families
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Use your data to celebrate families Educators: you’ve made it! It’s finally the end of the school year. And what a school year it was. I’m sure that there are all kinds of celebrations happening as this confusing, exhausting, stressful, and probably scary […]
Systems Mapping Cautions
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A systems map is a useful means of visualizing connections between ideas, actors, institutions, and activities. Systems maps can be designed using many different conventions and methods, but the basics are the same. The point of mapping systems is to get a lot […]
El poder mágico de las Estructuras Liberadoras (I)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Siguiendo con nuestra sección de “Estructuras LIberadoras“, introducimos este post de Nadia von Holzen “El poder mágico de Estructuras Liberadoras: una mirada más allá de la caja de herramientas hacia los principios”, donde nos cuenta sobre los 10 principios de Estructuras Liberadoras […]
Improving Our Museum Labels Through A Harm Reduction Lens: Part 4
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at By: Rachel Nicholson Having drafted new labels, we want to ensure our approach is actually meaningful to our audiences at the Nelson-Atkins before putting them on the walls. We’re currently in the process of evaluating our new labels to better understand their impact […]
Mandamientos de la facilitación de grupo (II de II)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Continuando con nuestra serie sobre “Facilitación“, traemos la segunda parte del post de mi amigo Ewen Le Borgne “10 mandamientos de la facilitación grupal“ Como indicamos, Ewen ofrece sus “mandamientos” de facilitación durante los últimos años, inspirados por el cuerpo de trabajo […]
Mandamientos de la facilitación de grupos (I de II)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Dentro de nuestra serie sobre “Facilitación“, traemos el post del gran facilitador y persona Ewen Le Borgne “10 mandamientos de la facilitación grupal“ Como él mismo indica y queda claro en su forma de facilitar, a Ewen no le gustan las reglas. […]
Let Excel do the Math: Easy tricks to clean and analyze data in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at One of the most common things I see when I work data in excel that others have compiled or analyzed is the under-use of Excel’s computational powers. In part, this has to do with setting up your data correctly to all Excel […]