This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at La evaluación ha sido y, en algunos rincones todavía es, un arte confeccionado por artesan@s, a veces considerados charlatanes, voceras, parlanchines, vende pociones, lenguaraces, bocazas pero, otras veces, sin embargo, apreciad@s y honrad@s como magos, brujos, hechiceros, prestidigitadores, nigromantes, médiums (objetivos evaluativos ocultos), […]
Creating a Community through Graphs
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Maddison Staszkiewicz is a Depict Data Studio student and evaluator. She was part of the 2020 Great Graphs: Excel How-To’s cohort and is sharing her experiences with us. Thanks Maddison! –Ann —– I was ecstatic to register for the Great Graphs: Excel How-To’s […]
Comentario en Modelo ADDIE para el diseño y ejecución de procesos de capacitación por NOEMI FERREIRA RUIZ DIAZ
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at El modelo es parte del Sistema de Diseño Instruccional, una de las etapas esenciales en el desarrollo de una plataforma de formación e-learning, para ello se crean las experiencias de aprendizaje con el objetivo de potenciar habilidades y conocimientos de los alumnos. Me […]
Comment on Defining evidence use by Factors that promote use: A conceptual framework
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] Defining evidence use […]
Comment on When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby by Emlyn Koster
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Thanks very much Doug for adding these perspectives. Your call-to-action for museums “to become creative and catalytic forces in how the living culture adapts to our dramatically and constantly transforming world” hits the proverbial nail on the head. I look back on Liberty […]
Comment on When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby by Douglas Worts
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Thank you for this reflection, which opens up an enormous window of opportunity for cultural organizations to rethink their relationships to their local living culture. Trauma radiated widely as a result of the events of 9/11. The Liberty Science Center’s response shines a […]
Comment on When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby by Clarence Williams
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Thank you for sharing this insightful article. and the role that the museum community played. I am so very impressed and grateful for all you seek to do to improve our world!
What you will learn if you join my workshop.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Just a note before I jump in. The pre-launch discount for my workshop expires tomorrow (9/8) at 12PM eastern. The workshop will never be cheaper! Over the years, when a colleague would take a workshop at a conference, I would ask them what […]
When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at By: Emlyn Koster Emlyn recalls how Liberty Science Center, located across the lower Hudson from Manhattan and where he was President & CEO from 1996-2011, assisted the next-of-kin and surrounding community in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center […]
Six lessons from practicing “true” developmental evaluation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Remember when you were a kid and you heard there was going to be a new kid at school? The news spread like wild fire. Students were excited and intrigued by this new person. When the new kid arrived at school, many were eager to […]