This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This simple metric can be a big determinant of innovation success. A prototype is developed when you’ve developed an idea to the point where building a conceptual ‘mock-up’ to test and challenge is possible and desirable. A prototype is the conceptual realization of […]
Accessibility Quick Wins: Lower the Numeracy Level
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
The 10 Metrics Your Evaluation Consultancy Should Track
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Part of the job of an evaluator is to identify and define metrics for our clients. But what about you? Are you as disciplined when it comes to defining and tracking metrics for your own business? At Three Hive Consulting, we track a variety of metrics – some of the […]
What conversations do you need to have at the start of an evaluation?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Every evaluation project, from small to large scale, has similar processes or phases. There is the initiation stage, followed by planning, data collection, analysis, reporting, and project-close-out phases. I find the planning stage the most exciting and challenging since it requires quick learning of the program and attention to detail. At the planning […]
Eval Academy’s Top 10 Posts of 2021
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at To celebrate the end of the year, we thought we’d highlight Eval Academy’s top ten posts from 2021. What posts would you like to see in 2022? Tweet us @EvalAcademy or connect with us on LinkedIn! #10 – Evaluation Question Examples Sometimes […]
Evaluation Roundup – November 2021
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Welcome to our monthly roundup of new and noteworthy evaluation news and resources – here is the latest. Have something you’d like to see here? Tweet us @EvalAcademy! #Eval21 — Resources If you logged in to the American Evaluation Association conference this year […]
Accessibility Quick Wins: Lower the Reading Level
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
Evaluation Christmas Cartoons 2021 (my favorite is the elf one)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Tis the season for holiday cartoons! Some of my favorite cartoons over the past years were drawn to celebrate the holidays. Not sure if I have any big winners this year, but it’s still fun. Here is this year’s batch, along with random […]
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Accessibility Quick Wins: Remove Legends and Directly Label
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]