This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Moisés Naím nos contaba en La guerra contra la verdad, que al mismo tiempo que hoy tenemos más información que en el pasado, la veracidad de esa información es más cuestionable La información es, al mismo tiempo, más valorada y más despreciada que nunca. La información, potenciada […]
Futures and Optimism Bias
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Futures (thinking) and strategic foresight can be powerful tools to help us to plan and see opportunities and threats ahead of us. When we can imagine what might happen it’s easier for us to plan for it. Futures work allows us to anticipate […]
Comment on Adopting Inclusive and Non-Violent Language: Part 1 by Elizabeth
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In reply to E Broadbent. Hello, thanks for your comment! I found this Insider article to be interesting: Thanks for letting me know about the Rider resource. It looks like it may have been removed from their website.
Modern Reporting – Why you should design before you write.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Seriously, and I don’t mean after you’ve written several drafts. I really mean before you write. In today’s post. Most creativity happens inside the box. Why waiting till the end to design your report is a bad idea. Why designing first is a […]
“I couldn’t have put it better myself”
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at “I couldn’t have put it better myself…” We all know how powerful a startling statistic can be. Maybe you’ve seen a PowerPoint presentation where there is just a huge number on the slide or a newspaper headline that highlights the stark realities of […]
Revisando las implicaciones de la pandemia para l@s evaluador@s
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Reviso el post de hace ahora casi dos años de MQPatton del 23 de Marzo de 2020, Implicaciones en la evaluación de la actual pandemia, MQPAtton nos da su visión sobre la pandemia y las implicaciones que puede tener para la evaluación. Esta era su […]
Comentario en Escucha y activa por Escucha y activa — «TripleAD»: Aprendiendo a Aprender para el Desarrollo | Desde mi Salón
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] Escucha y activa — «TripleAD»: Aprendiendo a Aprender para el Desarrollo […] Me gustaMe gusta
Escucha y activa
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Escuchar, argumenta Erich Fromm, “es un arte, como la comprensión de la poesía” y ofrece algunas pautas para dominar el arte de la comprensión desinteresada: (1) la concentración completa del oyente, (2) librarse de ansiedad, (3) imaginación que funcione libremente y que pueda […]
The Role of Support in Innovation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at The Beatles’ song made legendary by Joe Cocker speaks of getting by with a little help from our friends. The role of friends — associates, collaborators, trusted allies, partners — is vital to making innovation happen. The myths about change-makers and innovators are […]
Finding the Right Sample Size (the Hard Way)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In our previous article, ‘Finding the Right Sample Size (the Easy Way)’, we discuss the importance of determining the so-called “correct sample size”. Our recommendation for most applications was to use an online sample size calculator (check out our calculator HERE). However, for […]