This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En el post El fracaso de la gestión del conocimiento se indicaba que desde los años 90 la gestión del conocimiento ha sido y, quizás sigue siendo, una palabra de moda y popular. A una mayoría le gusta, le encanta, se siente identificada, aunque […]
Estrategias para el uso evaluativo
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Retomamos el post Conscientes de las barreras para el uso evaluativo y la pregunta ¿Qué podemos hacer para apoyar el uso de la evaluación? ¿Cómo podemos apoyar el uso constructivo de los hallazgos y los procesos de evaluación? El uso de la evaluación ha […]
The Progression of Sue Griffey’s Year-End Infographic
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you working on a year-end infographic? Maybe you’d like to showcase your company’s achievements over the past year. Maybe you’d like to celebrate your own achievements. Infographics are a great way to visualize key points (without boring our audiences, which can happen […]
Reflexiones sobre la colaboración
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente Seguimos con el recopilatorio sobre el misterio de la colaboración (ya iniciado en Aprendizajes para la colaboración). Se refuerza el contexto, insumos, procesos y resultados de la colaboración en nuestras organizaciones, a través de los pilares organizacionales de (1) la cultura, (2) las personas y (3) el liderazgo: […]
Thinking like a UX Designer: UX Problems
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Do you know how to identify a UX Problem with your reports or communication designs? It’s not all that hard. But first, a story. The door without the handle I took this picture last week on my way back into the office after […]
How “Sending the Elevator Back Down” Promotes Equity
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How can “sending the elevator back down” promote equity? January is National Mentorship Month, highlighting the power of mentorship and its benefits. Mentoring fosters trust and understanding between a more experienced person (mentor) and someone with less experience (mentee). Ideally, mentoring is mutually beneficial, […]
Looking Ahead to 2023: What’s Coming to Depict Data Studio
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Wondering what I’ve got planned this year? Here’s what’s in store for 2023 related to: Online Courses, Private Training, Conference Keynotes, Data Visualization Consulting, and My Personal and Professional Goals. Online Courses I have courses on 6 different topics. Here’s the calendar: Great […]
Ask Nicole: What To Do with Ineffective Board Members?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. The board of directors is a governing body for an incorporated organization, consisting of individuals that provide strategic governance and support to an organization’s leader, staff, and stakeholders. Here in the United […]
The two types of report.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Without fail, this question would come up when I would present to evaluation teams on why they should consider changing the way they report. It would usually come from a senior member of the team. Likely one that had never heard of me […]
My 5 How Questions for the Coming Year
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at At the end of every year you get loads of advice for how to approach the next one. Lots of that advice centers around resolutions, words, or statements. I decided to do something a little different this year and give myself a list […]