This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When we try to template and checklist our way out of complexity, we lose intentionality and creativity. Wouldn’t you rather build meaningful and sustainable evaluation strategies that ignite your passion and highlight your uniqueness? I know I would. And together we can. This […]
Models of Design Thinking
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Design Thinking Mode Design Thinking is the process we use to conceive of our products and guide the process of design. Design is . This is the design journey. The benefits to engaging with design thinking go beyond the outcomes and include a variety […]
Engaging in Beautiful Work
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at #image_title If you’re stuck, looking to energize what you do, or reclaim the purpose of your organization or yourself, look to beauty to help you out. Organizational aesthetics is a domain of practice that fuses workplace design, organizational psychology, and strategy. The focus […]
Designing for Significance
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at #image_title If you’re stuck, consider the opportunity to make a mark with your work. Organizations often lack meaning in their work, not capability, when they find themselves stuck. One way to reinvigorate your work, your organization and yourself is to explore the idea […]
What does it mean to champion knowledge management in our organizations?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I have based this post on knowledge management (KM) materials at UNICEF And what is KM at UNICEF? It is “The capture, organization, sharing and use of knowledge to improve organizational performance towards development and development and humanitarian results for children”. – Global Medium-Term Strategy for […]
My 6 Data Communications Classes
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Did you know… that I teach six different classes? All of these classes fall under the broad data communications umbrella. One class focuses on data analysis (cleaning and tabulating our raw datasets to get them ready for graphs). Two classes focus on core […]
¿Qué significa liderar la gestión del conocimiento en nuestras organizaciones?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at He basado este post en materiales sobre gestión de la conocimiento (GC) en UNICEF ¿Y qué es GC en UNICEF? Es “La captura, organización, intercambio y uso del conocimiento para mejorar el desempeño organizacional hacia el desarrollo y los resultados de desarrollo y […]
Comment on Recap of the 2019 Canadian Evaluation Society conference by Dr. Awuor PONGE
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at What a wonderful summary here, Dr. Snow. I just landed on this one this morning and I’m wondering why I had not seen it earlier. It is ‘detailed’ and gives a clear picture of the Conference, such that even those who did not […]
Alt Text in Canva
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Remember how I said you couldn’t add alt text in Canva? Well, you can now! Transcript Hey, so you may already know that I am a huge fan of Canva. And I use it for all sorts of things from presentations to infographic […]
Tipos de auditoría de la gestión del conocimiento
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ya hemos tratado con anterioridad sobre auditoría de la gestión del conocimiento. Nick Milton nos describe diferentes tipos de auditoría de la gestión del conocimiento y son los siguientes: · Una auditoría del Marco de gestión del conocimiento de nuestra organización, para identificar […]