This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: It seems so simple – just ask a question! But many new evaluators or side-of-desk evaluators struggle with confidence in creating good evaluation questions. Here are a few tips to accompany some content we’ve already shared […]
SWOT Analysis: What is it and how do I use it?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Have you ever participated in a strategic planning session or helped develop or start a new program? A SWOT is a tool commonly used at the beginning of a new venture or as part of a […]
New Template: Logic Model template using Canva Docs
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Eval Academy has released another customizable Logic Model template – using Canva Docs! Who’s it for? This Logic Model template is for anyone who wants to make Logic Models that look professional and visually interesting. […]
Pensamiento evaluativo para la evaluabilidad
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En El pensamiento evaluativo en el ciclo de gestión y planificación ya identificamos algunos de los comportamientos en las organizaciones que son indicativos del pensamiento evaluativo en cada fase central de sus operaciones: 1.Desarrollo y diseño del programa • Evaluar sistemáticamente el contexto de los […]
Access is NOT a Vanity Metric
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Do you ever think about the amount of work that goes into a conference presentation? How many hours do people spend planning their conference proposal, meeting with collaborators, putting together their presentation (or poster), traveling to the event, and then eventually presenting? And […]
Barreras para el aprendizaje en nuestras instituciones
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Las instituciones y las personas cometemos errores, pero ¿por qué no aprendemos de estos errores? ¿Por qué seguir repitiendo los mismos errores? Mirando esto en términos de Aprendizaje Organizacional, y comparando con las dimensiones de una Cultura de Aprendizaje, existen varias barreras culturales […]
¿Por qué la colaboración es tan compleja entre organizaciones de desarrollo?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Al trabajar en problemas sociales complejos, ningún actor, ni siquiera el más poderoso, puede lograr mucho por sí mismo. El sector social necesita más y mejor colaboración para lograr un impacto, pero ¿por qué la colaboración es tan compleja en la práctica? Hay cuatro […]
Strategic Thinking for Strategic Planning
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Strategic planning describes a lot of what we do, yet we don’t use the term strategic planning to describe our approach. Instead, our focus is on strategic thinking. Here’s why you might want to do the same. Strategic planning is used as a […]
Reporting is a Conversation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Do you remember the early days of social media? Back then there were a lot of bloggers, marketers, and other digital communicators talking about how social media platforms were conversational. Less broadcasting, more back and forth. For whatever reason, in the research and […]
Collective Impact 3.0 Article
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at