This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: What is a codebook? A codebook for qualitative research is a stand-alone document that contains a list of themes, codes, and definitions that you are using in your qualitative analysis. A codebook helps to keep the entire […]
New infographic: 10 tips for running a focus group
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Focus groups are a valuable method of qualitative data collection in evaluation, enabling in-depth exploration of participant perspectives, experiences, and opinions. By leveraging group dynamics and interactions, focus groups provide a platform for participants to build […]
From Formulaic to Meaningful: Constructing a Useful “Table of Contents” Page for an Evaluation Report
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Hello. I am Barbara Klugman, strategy and evaluation practitioner based in Cape Town, South Africa. Under the guidance of the inestimable Ann Emery’s “Report Redesign” course, I had a go at making the contents page of a previous evaluation report meaningful. Here are […]
Planificando un sistema de información efectivo
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Para una información más funcional y transparente (a nivel estratégico y operativo) se debe planificar y presupuestar el proceso de gestión de la información, cantidad y calidad de información, en cada una de los siguientes SIETE aspectos: (1) diagnosticar las necesidades de información actuales y […]
Capture Your Baseline For Change-Making
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at If you are looking to make a change and demonstrate it to others, there’s one thing you must do: capture your baseline. A baseline is your starting point. It can be done with whatever available data you have – the more specific, detailed […]
Una función de evaluación útil (I)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Caroline Heider, reflexionando sobre cómo establecer una función de evaluación útil, indicaba que es un acción que requiere equilibrios; e indicaba la importancia crítica de cuatro elementos: utilidad, imparcialidad, credibilidad y alcance. Una función de evaluación útil también requiere múltiples capas, desde (a) […]
Closest to the Problem, Closest to the Solution
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When you’re closest to the problem, you’re closest to the solution. I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of philanthropy. Specifically, how funders engage with and invest in communities and nonprofits. Most nonprofits have an ambivalent relationship with funders. They need funding to survive, but […]
Stop trying to create Goldilocks reports.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at You know the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Little girl breaks into the house of three bears while they’re out for a walk. Then proceeds to eat their food, break one of their chairs, and eventually falls asleep in one of […]
Ask Nicole: Our Programs Are Outdated
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in addressing social issues and making a positive impact in our communities. To effectively serve their communities and achieve their mission, nonprofits must constantly adapt and […]
New Template: Style Guide Template!
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Eval Academy just released a new template, “Style Guide Template” Who’s it for? Whether you’re new to evaluation or if evaluation is your main role, this Style Guide Template is for anyone looking to create […]