This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. It’s been a while since I’ve touched on a consulting-specific topic, and this month’s Ask Nicole touches on something I’ve been noticing over the past year. Why do nonprofits hire consultants? Specifically, […]
How to Make Your First Tableau Dashboard
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want to get started with Tableau? Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your very first Tableau dashboard. In less than an hour, you’ll be able to install the free version of Tableau, add your dataset, create a few charts, and then combine then […]
Michael Scriven, su legado para la disciplina de la evaluación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Murio el 28 de Agosto (1928-2023). Scriven hizo importantes contribuciones en los campos de la filosofía (lógica y filosofía de la ciencia), el pensamiento crítico y, más notablemente, la evaluación. De hecho, se puede afirmar que él (junto con Donald Campbell) ayudó a […]
Algunas habilidades asociadas con nuestra gestión del conocimiento personal
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Alguna de las habilidades asociadas con la gestión del conocimiento personal incluyen: • Habilidades de colaboración. Coordinación, sincronización, experimentación, cooperación y diseño. • Habilidades de comunicación. Percepción, intuición, expresión, visualización e interpretación. • Habilidades creativas. Imaginación, reconocimiento de patrones, apreciación, innovación, inferencia. Comprensión de los sistemas adaptativos complejos. • Alfabetización […]
Survey Design Part 1: Planning for your Survey – A review of Designing Quality Survey Questions (2019) by Robinson and Firth-Leonard
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: You’ve determined that you need a survey to gather information from a specific population you serve. But where do you start? I recently read the book Designing Quality Survey Questions (2019) by Sheila B. Robinson and […]
Podcast Review: Indigenous Insights: Episodes 1 and 2
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: While looking for my next audiobook, I came across Gladys Rowe’s podcast, Indigenous Insights: An Evaluation Podcast and an Indigenous perspective on evaluation piqued my interest. The podcast is available on Spotify, Audible, and on her […]
What is a quadrant graph?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Interactivity can really elevate certain charts, graphs, and illustrations. In this series of posts I will be highlighting visuals that work particularly well within interactive reports and data dashboards. First up, the quadrant graph. You will find this example quadrant graph in my […]
New Infographic: A Beginner’s Guide to Evaluation: A summary of introductory resources for new evaluators
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Eval Academy has released a new infographic “A Beginner’s Guide to Evaluation: A summary of introductory resources for new evaluators” Who’s it for? This infographic is designed for individuals who are new to the field of […]
Tools to Write in Plain Language
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: What is Plain Language? Plain language is writing in a way that is easy for most people to understand. There are many ways to write in plain language. The goal of using plain language is always […]
New Infographic: Research and Evaluation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is rated as: Eval Academy has released a new infographic “Research and Evaluation”! Who’s it for? This infographic is designed to offer insight into the distinctions between research and evaluation, catering specifically to individuals interested in programs that encompass […]