This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at “The truth is, structure matters. How you do your work is equally as important as the work itself” Kendra Hicks — Resist Foundation Author’s note: I started working on this blog post in May 2023, only a few weeks after we began piloting the decision-making structures […]
Ditch the Text Walls, Embrace the White Space!
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Tired of your reports looking like dense, unreadable brick walls? Check out this video with quick tips on why and how to start intentionally including white space in your reports. Here is a little summary of what you’ll see in the video. In […]
Bringing Your Program to a New Community
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A major barrier to introducing a new program to a community is pushback. From staff concerns to not assessing whether the program is needed, failure to determine if your program is the right fit for a new community can lead to negative outcomes […]
Píldoras para (des)motivar a los miembros de nuestro equipo
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Es difícil imaginar que a una organización le vaya bien, tenga buen desempeño o desempeño óptimo, sin equipos motivados. Aquí hay cinco formas efectivas de motivar al personal: • Incentivar a sus miembros • Interésese activamente por la trayectoria profesional • Hacer hincapié en un equilibrio […]
Design in Canva with Lorem Ipsum
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want some quick report design advice? Don’t wait until you are finished writing your report to design your report. Seriously, I have been in the data field for two decades working on research and evaluation projects. The vast majority of projects have waited […]
Ask Nicole: We’re Facing Pushback For Expanding Our Programs
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. There comes a point in the life of an organization where it considers expanding its programs and services. This strategic move can open up new possibilities, build and strengthen community bonds, and […]
Píldoras para la facilitación de grupos
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Dentro de nuestra serie sobre «Facilitación«, completamos el post del gran facilitador y persona Ewen Le Borgne «10 mandamientos de la facilitación grupal«, donde Ewen nos ofrece sus «mandamientos» de facilitación. Aquí están sus mandamientos o consejos: 1. «Mantengámonos alejados del contenido, gestionemos el proceso» […]
Liderazgo como arte y facilitación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at L@s líderes deben ser (a) más artistas que científic@s, (b) más facilitador@s que controlador@s, activando el autocontrol con las personas que lideran, para: 1. Contextualizar y analizar con perspectiva 2. Facilitar más que controlar 3. Ser consciente del poder y sus privilegios 4. […]
La gestión del conocimiento en la estrategia y en la práctica
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at He basado este post en materiales sobre gestión de; conocimiento (GC) en UNICEF ¿Y qué es GC en UNICEF? Es “La captura, organización, intercambio y uso del conocimiento para mejorar el desempeño organizacional hacia el desarrollo y los resultados de desarrollo y humanitarios para los […]
Should DataViz be Easy?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at For Christmas dinner this year I made my family spinach and pasta rotolo. It’s a baked pasta dish that involved making fresh pasta, rolling it flat, filling it with a spinach/ricotta mixture, and rolling it up like a jelly roll. Then it gets […]