This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Meetings, events, and other facilitated face-to-face gatherings only work if people engage with each other. Doing this requires some kind of interest or ability to connect with one another in person. While there are certainly some people who have little difficulty engaging with […]
Connecting Evidence: Michelle Molina
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Surveys Data Collection
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Visual Thinking 101: How to Use Hand-Drawn Visuals to Increase Clarity and Communication of Evaluation Concepts
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Hi #Eval19 friends! I’ve just returned home from the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference in Minneapolis. In addition to defrosting, I am also reflecting a lot on my experience at AEA this year. So many of my favorite moments at the conference this year […]
Systems Change: The 6 Levers
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CES Webinar Notes: Retrospective Pretest Survey
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at These are my rough notes from today’s CES webinar. Speaker: Evan Poncelet was asked “are retrospective post test (RPTs) legit?”, so it did some research on them you can’t always do a pre-test (e.g., evaluator brought on after program has started; providing a […]
A Failure to Plan….You Know the Rest of the Story
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A failure to plan…… “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, writer and pioneering aviator Two things people who know me will tell you is that I love to cook and I love to travel. I am purposefully […]
Adventures in Teaching: Exam Post-Mortem
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I have been crazy busy with my first semester as an assistant professor of psychology in evaluation at University of Wisconsin-Stout, but I wanted to share with you an activity that I found very beneficial after our first exam in Introduction to Psychology. […]
Comment on Evaluator Competencies Series: Taking a Short Break! by Sandra S
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Evaluator Competencies Series: Taking a Short Break!
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s that busy time in the semester when the marking for the courses that I’m teaching is piling up and I am also working furiously on a couple of online courses (in addition to my day job). So I’ve decided that I’m going […]