This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In recent years, self-care has emerged as a compelling idea among museum practitioners. The sentiment is that, like so many in the not-for-profit world, museum workers are deeply passionate about the work they do and too often, they are overworked and feel underappreciated […]
How to Enter Cleaner Data AND Automate the Entire Analysis and Visualization Process
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This is a brand new bonus module for current and past students in my data analysis course, Simple Spreadsheets: From Spreadsheet Stress to Superstardom with Microsoft Excel. The once-a-year registration period is open this week only! Register by Friday, February 28, 2020–or wait ’til next year. […]
The Evaluation Mindset: Actions and Consequences
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When I started getting into data visualization design, human centered design, and user experience design I had this hope that a better understanding of design methodologies would ultimately help me to become a better evaluator. But I had the causal direction flipped. What […]
Our toolbox for primary data collection
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at To collect primary data (data that we need to collect first ourselves), we can rely on a rather sophisticated tool box– largely from social sciences – that has been developed over decades. There are tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection. Here is a list of some of the […]
Content Strategy Spotlight –
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at There is not just one way to build a digital community, or rather, leverage the web to support an existing community. When many organization’s design communities of practice they tend to focus on hosting a series of webinars, developing a forum, or building […]
Try This: Fortunately, Unfortunately
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Try this activity, and let me know how it goes. “Fortunately, Unfortunately” is an improvisational storytelling game used in drama classes, with kids, and in group activities. The game involves coming up with a plot and building on as the story goes. It’s […]
Evaluation Roundup – February 2020
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at New and noteworthy — Reads Foundations’ evaluation and learning practices The Center for Evaluation Innovation recently released its most recent review of foundations’ evaluation and learning practices. This report offers benchmarking data on foundation evaluation practice collected in 2019 from 161 foundations. What were the results from […]
I ❤️ Less is More
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Happy Valentine’s Day! As many of you know, the idiom “Less is More” is attributed to minimalist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The New Gallery, Berlin. I am grateful to him for coining the phrase and inspiring me to adopt it […]
Self Care Corner: Your Friendships Are Just As Important As Your Relationships
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at (Photo image courtesy) On the eve of my 30th birthday, I met a few friends at a hookah lounge on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York. At one point during the evening, one friend asked everyone to go around and […]
The Gig Economy Business Plan
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at An illustrated guide to business planning for freelancers, consultants, and other professionals hoping to trade hours for dollars. Inspired by my friend Kendra, who asked me to write down our conversation and share it with others. Not quite a business, not quite a […]