This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Last week, I watched a powerful webinar from Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center about health inequity and COVID-19. One of the first speakers, Dr. Nwando Olayiwola, started to talk about vulnerable populations but quickly corrected herself. She called them, “populations that have been […]
Three Types of Evaluation for Nonprofits (Simple Overview)
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Qué y Cómo desarrollar del pensamiento evaluativo (I)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at M.Q Patton UFE Si consideramos los actuales roles de la función de evaluación, aunque en la actual pandemia (a) se limite la evaluabilidad de las intervenciones clásicas a evaluar, (b) además de la propia evaluación de la respuesta frente a la pandemia y […]
¿Podría el Covid-19 contribuir a unas Naciones (más) Unidas?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En el artículo ¿Es posible reformar Naciones Unidas?, aparecido en El País el 28 de abril, CRISTINA MANZANO nos habla de la necesidad de reformar un sistema de gobernanza global (Naciones Unidas), nacido en 1945, dado que no basta para hacer frente a […]
Social and Emotional Learning is Imperative and in Museum Educators’ Wheelhouse
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Just months ago (but what feels like an eternity ago), I was in an art museum observing museum educators lead a group of fifth-grade students on a museum visit. One work of art they viewed highlighted inequities in the world by zooming in […]
Evaluabilidad en tiempos de pandemia
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Dados los retos que supone la situación actual para la práctica tradicional de la evaluación, empezamos una serie de posts sobre “evaluabilidad”. Entre las agencias internacionales de desarrollo parece haber un acuerdo generalizado sobre el significado del término “evaluabilidad”. La siguiente definición de […]
Post or Perish
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So I received a little constructive feedback after last week’s post. Just be mindful of the voices you aren’t hearing. For some with ill family members, homeschooling small children, navigating aging parents in place, on top of maintaining stable income — finding time […]
Reflexivity in Evaluation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Reflectivity vs Reflexivity Reflective Practice is where a person reflects on what they have learned and how they can apply it or learn from it. Reflexive Practice is where a person reflects on what they have learned and considers how the implications […]
18 Resources helping me in work and life with Covid-19
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at The resources designed to help us adapt to Covid-19 don’t match up with our lives right now. Every day, I sit down at my kitchen table — the same table where I (used to) host dinners and put together puzzles — in front of a make-shift workstation […]
Measuring impact of social innovation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Impact. You know the feeling don’t you – you’ve been working on a brilliant initiative, and then someone turns up and asks you “So – what impact are you making”? It’s a fair question – indeed, it’s a question we should be asking […]