This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In reply to Allison Titcomb. Certainly, thinking of evaluation as a transdiscipline or the alpha discipline that Scriven describes is one reason why I think evaluation can inform research-practice partnerships. I think it’s also just the consultancy nature of what we do and […]
Will they say yes (pre-pandemic and now)?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Upon commencing a study that requires intercepting visitors on the museum floor, we are often asked by staff (sometimes nervously), “Will people say yes to participating in a survey, interview, etc.?” Our answer is always yes, and we often state that you would […]
Gran #TwitterChat sobre #Eval4Action
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Hoy, la comunidad de evaluación internacional tuvimos un gran intercambio de ideas desde la campaña #Eval4Action. Tod@s somos aliados para lograr estos objetivos. Ha sido una experiencia trepidante al ritmo de este #TwitterChat sobre #Eval4Action No será fácil recopilar tanto, espero que lo […]
Evaluation Blogs
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So I decided to create what I hope will eventually become an ultimate list of evaluation blogs. Not just a boring bullet point list, but one that gives you a sense of the human being on the other side of the internet. This […]
How Writing an Evaluation Report is like Cooking
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at The process of writing an evaluation report is like cooking. It can be a joyful and meditative process for some and an annoying necessity for others. Both cooking and report writing take practice; the more you do them, the more you refine […]
Reaching Audiences Beyond the Internet During a Pandemic
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When museums started closing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in early March, there were surges of digital initiatives across all institutions meant to reach new and existing audiences while doors were closed. It’s an amazing and overwhelming time to be involved in […]
Evaluación Centrada en el Uso (UFE): 17 Pasos para hacer del uso una realidad
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Continuando con la Evaluación Centrada en el Uso: Usos y usuarios directos definidos, seguimos en torno a este texto de Patton, traducción desde la plataforma Better evaluation de una referencia a su “Utilisation Focused Evaluation”: UFE se puede utilizar para diferentes tipos de […]
Evaluation in a Low-resource Setting: Strategies for Success
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe Working in the evaluation field is appealing in that it can take place across various sectors, systems and geographic locations. One area of particular interest for some […]
Evaluación Centrada en el Uso: Usos y usuarios directos definidos
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En ocasiones podemos caer en la tentación de pensar que toda evaluación se centra en el uso, pero no es cierto. Especialmente con “Evaluación Centrada en el Uso”, nos referimos a un enfoque con pasos sistemáticos, en el que uso y usuarios de […]
Collective Impact Forum (Lessons Learned)
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