This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at As evaluators, our work depends on being able to gather data on and from museums’ audiences. It probably goes without saying that this has become trickier in a world transformed by a global pandemic. Museums and cultural organizations are temporarily closed, and we […]
Participación de adolescentes en el monitoreo y evaluación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Haz clic para acceder a UNICEF_ADAP_GuidanceNote.pdf En octubre de 2019 UNICEF ha publicado la nota de orientación sobre Participación de adolescentes en el monitoreo y evaluación (PA M&E) Esta nota de orientación fue creada en respuesta a ese desafío, para ayudar al personal […]
So what is evaluation anyway?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Post originally published as a collection of 13 evaluation cartoons on March 25, 2014. Updated with way more context on May 27, 2020. When you search “What is Evaluation?” on Google, you get the kinds of responses you might expect. The Wikipedia page…if […]
Evaluación/investigación con/sobre adolescentes
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at La Oficina de Investigación – Innocenti es un centro de investigación de UNICEF que tiene el mandato de liderar en la investigación que se centren en lagunas de conocimiento relevantes para los objetivos estratégicos de UNICEF y sus socios clave. La Oficina de Investigación […]
Common Issues When Entering Survey Data (and How to Solve Them)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is part of a series: How To Enter Survey Data Part 1: Three Steps for Painless Survey Data EntryPart 2: Preventing Mistakes in Survey Data EntryPart 3: Common Issues with Survey Data Entry (and How to Solve Them) In a […]
Preventing Mistakes in Survey Data Entry
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is part of a series: How To Enter Survey Data Part 1: Three Steps for Painless Survey Data EntryPart 2: Preventing Mistakes in Survey Data EntryPart 3: Common Issues with Survey Data Entry (and How to Solve Them) When entering […]
Three Steps for Painless Survey Data Entry
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is part of a series: How To Enter Survey Data Part 1: Three Steps for Painless Survey Data EntryPart 2: Preventing Mistakes in Survey Data EntryPart 3: Common Issues with Survey Data Entry (and How to Solve Them) Arguably the […]
Adventures in Teaching: Lessons Learned from Covid-19 Remote Teaching
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Packing up the spring 2020 semester and transitioning to remote teaching was difficult, not just for me but also for my students. As I told them, “None of us signed up for online teaching. But we’ll make it through this.” And we did! […]
El cambio de estructural para #Eval4Action: barreras que hacen que nuestro deseo no sea realidad
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at En Gran #TwitterChat sobre #Eval4Action comenzaba con la pregunta: ¿Por qué la evaluación es un acelerador para lograr los ODS, incluso durante la crisis sanitaria y socioeconómica de COVID-19? Mis respuesta fueron: La evaluación contribuye a la rendición de cuentas, el aprendizaje y […]
We Sold (Nearly) Everything to Travel the World with Our 2 Kids. Here’s What Happened Next.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I felt like I had to choose: Be a world-traveling data visualization speaker. Or be a mother. In spring 2018, we started brainstorming about a lifestyle change. My speaking opportunities were taking me all over the world—a dream! But, meanwhile, I had a […]