This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ayer hablamos del rol fundamental de la colaboración para el impacto colectivo en el post Preguntas para una evaluación sobre nuestra respuesta a la pandemia: colaboración y trabajo en equipo Y como ya hemos visto en nuestra serie sobre impacto colectivo, el liderazgo […]
Getting to the Root Cause(s)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s so easy to think social problems are simple. Take interpersonal violence for example. When it is discussed, most people ask, “Why does she stay?” For a few years in graduate school, I ran a randomized community survey that asked people to tell […]
How to Plan for and Edit Your Own Two-Pager
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This week’s dataviz tips come from Tyler Mason, who I met several years ago while leading a training in Indiana. Tyler and I have stayed in touch and he enrolled in additional virtual training with us. Check out how he’s created a two-pager […]
What Went Wrong? A Question For Futures Insight
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In five years, what did we get wrong? This simple question can be a powerful vehicle for understanding the way in which things in the future might — and might not — unfold. Foresight is a complicated process as we are asking to […]
Preguntas para una evaluación sobre nuestra respuesta a la pandemia: colaboración y trabajo en equipo
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Imaginemos que tuviésemos el poder y la sabiduría, o la experiencia y la habilidad,..o la gracia y la suerte, de poder formular 1 pregunta en una supuesta evaluación mundial sobre nuestra respuesta global a la crisis del Coronavirus. ¿Qué preguntas haríais vosotr@s? […]
Lifting Up All Families’ Voices Around School Reopening
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at It’s easy to feel discouraged and upset when you turn on the news these days. So much is happening to progress the fight for racial equity and justice in this country that even a global pandemic seems to have taken the backseat. The […]
Recursos bibliográficos sobre Tecnologías para el Seguimiento y Evaluación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Tras los dos posts anteriores: (1) Tecnologías para el seguimiento y evaluación en tiempos de COVID 19 y (2) Retos con tecnologías para el seguimiento y evaluación en tiempos de COVID 19; presentamos recursos bibliográficos y guías para profundizar en este tema: Tecnologías para […]
Retos con tecnologías para el seguimiento y evaluación en tiempos de COVID 19
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Continuamos con la segunda parte del post Tecnologías para el seguimiento y evaluación en tiempos de COVID 19, relacionado con la plataforma BetterEvaluation y el “Uso de tecnologías para monitoreo y evaluación en entornos inseguros“, donde se indicaba que tecnologías como teléfonos móviles, radios, […]
9 Common Writing Mistakes in Evaluation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Evaluators need to write clearly for their work to be used. Although not preferable, the written evaluation report must stand on its own, clearly conveying the key findings and messages. The 9 mistakes below are ones that I’ve come across in my […]
Comment on Evaluator Competencies Series: Program Theory by Beth
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at We’ve just launched a new version of Dylomo software and there is now an “Export” button so that you can export the logic model as an image file!