This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ok, Nonprofit leaders, now that I have your attention……Shameless use of a cat and Star Trek GIF I know. In fact, I bet you are actually drowning in data, but it’s just not organized and used! I once worked with a large nonprofit […]
Now is the time.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fear. Uncertainty. Frustration. Isolation. In recent conversations with districts across the country and in analyses of surveys for clients, these words have come up a lot. Families, educators, and community members are feeling a whole lot of unpleasant things as we grapple with […]
Can Your Dataviz Have an Influence on School Reopening Plans?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Our organizations collect all this data—through surveys, assessments, interviews, and so on—and then what? The default: The data just sits there inside a Dusty Shelf Report. But what if your data could actually inform real-life decisions? I recently sat down with Vivian Jefferson from Loudoun County Public Schools, a growing […]
Personas: Visualizing Your Audience & Customer
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When we design any service or product we are creating it with someone in mind. Personas are a design-oriented approach that can enable us to envision this ‘someone’ – our markets – to better design our products and services for them. Whether it […]
The Personal Inventory Method
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at What’s important to you? It might sound simple, but when we engage in service design the way we ask that question will shape the answers we get. Keeping with a design-inspired ethos of ‘show, don’t tell’ the Personal Inventory method is a simple […]
Why this evaluator is for abolition.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I am writing in response to Chris’ Evaluation as Protest blog. I appreciate the blog’s call to action and hope the examples of concrete actions shared will inspire evaluators to imagine something different and to take action. While reading the blog, I noticed […]
Launching Now: Evaluation Coaching
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Sometimes online resources just aren’t enough. Some questions call for discussion, for a second opinion – a coach. That’s why Eval Academy is launching its new evaluation coaching service. Check it out What is it? An evaluation coach works with you on […]
Design for Living: A Day in the Life
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Product and service developers can easily be fooled into thinking all they need to focus on is the moment of engagement with their product. The design method “A Day in the Life” can help us put our potential audience (customer, client, or “user”) […]
Seis Ps para l@s campeones del conocimiento
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Nick Milton en su post: “6 Ps para l@s campeones del conocimiento“, nos habla de Andrew Trickett, Gestor de Conocimiento para el negocio de Ove Arup Rail, quien cree que l@s campeones necesitan 6 cualidades, todas comenzando con P: 1.tener pasión por […]
The Best Laid Plans…Getting to Root Causes
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have you ever planned a meeting complete with a well thought-out, organized agenda, only to toss it because your group had more important needs? That was exactly what I experienced last week. In a call I was leading this past Friday, one of […]