This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I’ve written a lot lately (here and here) about WHY tracking your school or organization’s data is so critical right now. As schools begin to reopen, I’ve heard from educators of so many different configurations for what school is going to look like: […]
Estrategia de gestión del conocimiento en organizaciones con oficinas país
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Inspirado en la Estrategia de UNICEF, estos son algunos ejes de acción para una estrategia de gestión del conocimiento (GC): 1. Alineación de la GC con el ciclo del programa de la oficina país y otros procesos operativos dentro de la organización 2. […]
Comment on If we cannot define “museums,” how do museums survive? by Fernando
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In reply to Demetri Broxton. Hello Demetri: We can agree with the nature of the Museum, since it was a Greek “museion”, is to accumulate significant objects, expose them, and a long etcetera of “Hows” and “For what”. We can agree that a […]
Gestión del conocimiento: generador de valor organizacional
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Actividades de Gestión del Conocimiento (GC) que, cuando se realizan de manera óptima, pueden generar el mayor valor para nuestras organizaciones: Desarrollar la capacidad de los colegas para implementar actividades de GC Captura de buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas Colaboración transversal Establecer y […]
La síntesis de los hallazgos de las evaluaciones.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Como parte del “RTD TIG Week” de la AEA, “La síntesis de estudios de imitación ayuda a responder preguntas de política realmente importantes” Gretchen Jordan, pasaba el mensaje de que las grandes preguntas que nos piden que respondamos requieren que avancemos hacia el […]
Choosing the right images for reports, presentations, and blog posts.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at You already know that images are important. Without visuals there is no way we would be able to process the vast amount of information that we are now exposed to on a daily basis. An image is a trail marker, a waypoint. It’s […]
What is Evaluation? A Review of AEA’s Recent Post
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Evaluators are equipped to ask and answer some pretty complex questions. We are not afraid to tackle abstract ideas and make sense of messy data. However, there is one question that can be tough to succinctly answer – what is evaluation? As […]
Políticas y plataformas de apoyo al aprendizaje en Naciones Unidas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Continuando con el informe de la “Joint Inspection Unit” de Naciones Unidas: “Políticas y plataformas de apoyo al aprendizaje: hacia una mayor coherencia, coordinación y convergencia“, al que nos referimos en nuestro anterior post El aprendizaje como fuerza transformadora que puede romper los […]
How to Design Reports that Actually Inform Decisions
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I used to write hundred-page reports… I was trained to write lengthy reports filled with statistical jargon. Important information sat around and gathered dust. Now, I design reports that people actually want to read. Fewer paragraphs. More graphs. My audience can understand the […]
Dive In Process
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Much attention is paid to tools, methods, models, and other artifacts as a means to support learning and innovation while much of what makes real change happen is actually a process. It is doing, not thinking. It’s diving in to the pool rather […]