This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Evaluators are equipped to ask and answer some pretty complex questions. We are not afraid to tackle abstract ideas and make sense of messy data. However, there is one question that can be tough to succinctly answer – what is evaluation? As […]
Políticas y plataformas de apoyo al aprendizaje en Naciones Unidas
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Continuando con el informe de la “Joint Inspection Unit” de Naciones Unidas: “Políticas y plataformas de apoyo al aprendizaje: hacia una mayor coherencia, coordinación y convergencia“, al que nos referimos en nuestro anterior post El aprendizaje como fuerza transformadora que puede romper los […]
How to Design Reports that Actually Inform Decisions
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I used to write hundred-page reports… I was trained to write lengthy reports filled with statistical jargon. Important information sat around and gathered dust. Now, I design reports that people actually want to read. Fewer paragraphs. More graphs. My audience can understand the […]
Dive In Process
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Much attention is paid to tools, methods, models, and other artifacts as a means to support learning and innovation while much of what makes real change happen is actually a process. It is doing, not thinking. It’s diving in to the pool rather […]
El aprendizaje como fuerza transformadora que puede romper los silos
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Acaba de publicarse el nforme de la “Joint Inspection Unit” de Naciones Unidas: “Políticas y plataformas de apoyo al aprendizaje: hacia una mayor coherencia, coordinación y convergencia“, coordinador por Petru Dumitriu: Dado que el principal activo del sistema de las Naciones Unidas es […]
Comment on If we cannot define “museums,” how do museums survive? by Lyndall Linaker
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I agree with much that you are saying throughout the article. As a museum professional I found the second definition unattractive – I get the sentiment but there are too many words. There are times when the bigger museums forget about staying relevant […]
Don’t Be Like Myers-Briggs: Measure Your Impact
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When I started my doctoral program at Vanderbilt, I certainly didn’t expect to get into a … heated discussion, shall we say? … with the professor of my first course. We were discussing characteristics of effective leaders, and our professor mentioned that the […]
Comment on Pancreas Ponderings: What T1D Has Taught Me About Eval by Maggie Cosgrove
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Thank you. As a parent whose child has T1D who is also an evaluator, my experience with diabetes has made me more empathetic. Im a better person than before diagnosis but I’d go back to being my old self if I could erase […]
Evaluation Has a Racism Problem – What Can We Do About It?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This article is a summary and discussion of Caldwell and Bledsoe’s 2019 paper in the American Journal of Evaluation called “Can Social Justice Live in a House of Structural Racism? A Question for the Field of Evaluation.” The original article contains the […]
Innovation Design Quality Control
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at You want and need help in transforming your organization or business line and are seeking a consultant to help you. What should you look for? Let’s look at questions and issues you may want to consider when starting an innovation journey. We break […]