This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Amanda, thank you so much for this important post. Everytime, I waste a lot of time in determining what should be the appropriate sample size even after the calculation of the sample. Your post confirmed that I am within the required range because […]
Customizing Reports for the Audience with Deven Wisner
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When should we follow APA format? When should we not? Earlier this year I sat down with my good friend Deven Wisner about customizing reports for the audience. Watch Our Conversation During this six-minute conversation, we talked about Deven’s current work (he’s a managing partner, […]
¿Cuándo dejaremos de llorar porque en España no hay evaluación?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Un interesante artículo sobre el estado de la evaluación en España: ¿Quién mide el impacto de las políticas públicas? El otro gran déficit de España: evaluar la gestión de Isabel M. Ruiz Algunas reacciones y apuntes al artículo: 1.Aparece claro ese mantra que […]
Retos para el liderazgo en tiempos de Covid-19
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: Siguiendo con nuestra serie sobre impacto colectivo, en el que el liderazgo es fundamental para ese tipo de colaboración, retomamos el muy interesante informe, Liderazgo en tiempos de Covid-19 sobre “Cualidades, habilidades y prácticas esenciales” por Doug Reeler y Desiree Paulsen: Cuando enfrentamos una crisis compleja, […]
Do You Need a Chief Learning Officer?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Innovation is learning transformed into value, by design. – Cameron Norman, Cense Ltd. Organizations develop c-suite level roles because of a recognized need for focused strategic action and attention toward a particular aspect of their operations. Finance, Operations, Technology are just some of […]
How is Making Bread Related to Evaluating Communities?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at by Ann Price You may or may not have heard about the COVID bread craze. Just to set the record straight, I didn’t start baking bread out of some fear that the store shelves would be stripped of all carbs. I just happen […]
Six Hacks for Renovating Your Evaluation Report Part 2: Consistency is Cool
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This series of posts walks you through how to reno your evaluation reports using six of Canva’s design lessons. Part 1 focused on how to take your audience on a journey using storytelling techniques. Part 2 in this six-part series focuses on […]
Evaluation is a dangerous profession.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Evaluation is a dangerous profession. Not dangerous as in it requires hard hats or tethers. But dangerous in that it questions realities most would rather ignore. Traditions that are so deeply entrenched within organizational structures that merely hinting at their instability can lead […]
Ask Nicole: My Best & Worst Client Experiences
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Have a question you’d like to be featured? Let me know. As we head closer to the end of 2020, I’m starting to think about where I want my business to go and who I want to be, have, and experience in 2021. […]
Aprendizaje social: por observación
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: Dentro del Aprendizaje por observación, una de las teorías más influyentes del aprendizaje es la Teoría del Aprendizaje Social (TAS) formulada por Albert Bandura: La TAS se basa en que hay tipos de aprendizaje donde el refuerzo directo no es el principal mecanismo de enseñanza, sino […]