This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I started writing a completely different blog post for this week, but when I read the news this morning, I knew I had to shift gears. CNN featured a story yesterday called “Teachers and social workers search for students who are ‘missing’ in […]
Comment on Wearing Many Hats: Where Does the Role of Evaluator End? by How Am I? I’m Sitting in the Suck – Elizabeth Grim
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] an evaluator, I am a professional question asker. And yet personally, the hardest question for me has been to […]
How Am I? I’m Sitting in the Suck
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at “How are you?” Ugh this question makes me cringe. My answer to this is usually “fine.” And not because I am. I am most certainly not fine right now. As an evaluator, I am a professional question asker. And yet personally, the hardest […]
Más problemas estructurales de los gobiernos para aprender en tiempos de COVID
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Fuente: Siguiendo con COVID y barreras gubernamentales para el aprendizaje, profundizamos un poco más sobre estas barreras y cómo los gobiernos desperdician grandes sumas de dinero y crean planes masivos que pocas veces funcionan, siendo la mayoría de las veces las causas […]
Comment on Evaluation as a Bridging Profession by Dana Wanzer
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In reply to Melanie Hunsaker. As I get older and become more experienced, and after my conversations on boundaries and thinking about the relationships between evaluation and research, I’ve almost become a bit less inclined towards boundaries. In the beginning, it was nice […]
Comment on Evaluation as a Bridging Profession by Melanie Hunsaker
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Hi Dana, I am a graduate student at Arizona State University and we’ve been looking at the difference between research and evaluation. I appreciate the visual you provided and the thought that evaluation is the bridge between research and practice. Ii helped to […]
Self Care Corner: The “Well Done” List
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at My day-to-day didn’t change much, if at all, when the current pandemic began. As the months passed, I noticed that my mental health and self-esteem slowly declined. Much of it, outside of the psychological impact of dealing with a virus that still has […]
Cleaning Messy Text Data is a Breeze with OpenRefine
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at We’ve all been there – you get some data from a client or a survey you’ve run, and you can’t wait to start answering your evaluation questions. But you find one of your data columns is a complete mess because it was […]
Narration Interrogation
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Police (and some parents) know the secret to spotting a lie in a story: ask someone to repeat that story backwards. As it turns out, it’s a lot easier to concoct a false story going forward than it is backward because of the […]
The 2020 Election: A Little Context
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I am a little stressed out. In the US, voting in the general election has begun. My wife and I dropped our ballots off at the post office yesterday. It’s not that I don’t think we have good shot of voting Trump out […]