This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at As I get ready to deliver my live data storytelling workshop (hint, hint), I decided to develop a series of comics. My goal over the next week is to create at least 20 (this post will grow as I go). Here’s what I […]
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at On this page I’ll be listing all upcoming live events, along with the relevant registration or RSVP pages. May 2024 5/14 & 516 – Workshop: Everyday Visual Reports [Register] The next live session of my Everyday Visual Reports workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, […]
We are story finders.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at When I started drawing comics, back in the early 2010s, there were these really popular animations put together by the Royalty Society of Arts (RSA) in London. My comics have always been pretty simple in format. And early on, before I would even […]
Who is the Hero? Storytelling Methods for Data People.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Good stories always have heroes, even data stories. So who is the hero in your story? So technically, a story is just a sequence of events. And you can layout a sequence of events without the use of characters. But thinking of your […]
What is Card Sorting? UX Methods for Data People
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Card sorting is a user experience research method useful in discovering how people organize and prioritize different topics. The method is pretty simple. You start with a set of topics on notecards or sticky notes. Then you ask your research participant to organize […]
How to become a data designer.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ever wonder why some data teams deliver really nice looking reports while others seem like they’re stuck in the late 90s? The more I work with different research and evaluation teams, the more I find that reporting quality usually comes down to the […]
My Cartoon Illustration Process – Realist Evaluation Comics
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Back in 2017 I was commissioned by the RAMESES II project (funded by *NIHR) to draw a series of cartoons on realist evaluation. They have been made available for royalty-free use at, along with a collection of other realist evaluation resources. In […]
Evaluation versus Measurement
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Today’s post started as a comic request and turned into a Q&A. Here is the question that came to me from Randi Knox. I’m looking for a comic to communicate the difference between program monitoring vs program evaluation. I didn’t see anything specific […]
Evaluation versus Monitoring
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Today’s post started as a comic request and turned into a Q&A. Here is the question that came to me from Randi Knox. I’m looking for a comic to communicate the difference between program monitoring vs program evaluation. I didn’t see anything specific […]
Canva Templates – Inspired by the Nature Conservancy
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Trying out a new series this week. The idea is simple, I find some inspiration and then use that inspiration to create a set of Canva report page templates. If you keep your eyes open, design inspiration is literally everywhere. Mailers, posters, text […]