This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you the kind of person who likes to nitpick other people’s charts? I’m really not. I wasn’t there when they decided to use that chart. I don’t know what factored into their decision. As far as their intended audience, I don’t know […]
Who cares? And why engaging reports are not always important or even necessary.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at So just the other day here in North Carolina, it was in the 70s. Short sleeve weather for sure. Then the rains came and the temperature dropped into the 30s over the course of hours. Enough for the rain to turn into snow, […]
What you do is important.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I had a really hard year back in 2017. It was filled with the loss of close family which left a lingering mark on both my personal and professional lives. The couple years that followed saw my business falling apart and then a […]
Comment on Earth Day at 51: Why Museums Must Embrace the Anthropocene by Relevance Revisited: A Postscript for the Museum Field » RK&A
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] Earth Day at 51: Why Museums Must Embrace the Anthropocene for drawing our attention to the world’s new geologic context of the Anthropocene and pleading for museums to present a unified [rather than the all-to-common divided] portrait of nature and culture, “with […]
Comment on When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby by Relevance Revisited: A Postscript for the Museum Field » RK&A
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] When Disaster Strikes: Assistance by Museums Nearby because of its gripping personal narrative of 9/11 combined with a real-world example of a museum stepping up in times of crisis, and […]
Never Released 2020 Holiday Cartoons
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I drew most of these cartoons in 2020 (one in 2019) but I’m not sure I ever shared. I certainly never created a blog post. Honestly, last year around this time, I think I was just a little bit burnt out. And it […]
How to convert Canva reports into Microsoft Word.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at As my diydatadesign workshoppers know, Canva is one of my favorite visual reporting tools. It just makes the process of creating high quality visual reports much faster and easier. But there are still times when you’re working with a team that moving outside […]
Evaluation Christmas Cartoons 2021 (my favorite is the elf one)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Tis the season for holiday cartoons! Some of my favorite cartoons over the past years were drawn to celebrate the holidays. Not sure if I have any big winners this year, but it’s still fun. Here is this year’s batch, along with random […]
5 reporting myths that need to die.
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Researchers and evaluators have developed some bad reporting habits. This post seeks to dispel some of the myths that keeps those bad habits thriving. In today’s post: Myth #1. Your final report should be 8.5 by 11 (or A4). Myth #2. Illustration is […]
Comment on IRB 101: What are they? Why do they exist? by IRB 101: What types of human subjects research are exempt from IRB?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at […] this IRB 101 series, I have provided general context for IRBs, including what IRBs are and why they exist and potential risks to research participants to illustrate IRBs’ purpose. This post will help […]