This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at How do we make our graphs more accessible? There’s a misconception that accessibility takes all day, that’s it’s costly, or that it’s complicated. Those are all false. Accessibility is woven into all my trainings, but since this is a topic I get asked […]
10 Tips for Redesigning Reports
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at 2011 called. It wants its 100-page reports back. My wish: Limit yourself to just 30 pages (or less!). It wants its portrait reports back. Are people printing your doc… or reading it from their (landscape) computer? It wants its text-heavy reports back. We […]
Navigating Tableau’s Resources with Zach Bowders
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Zach Bowders was a guest speaker during a Dashboard Design live session, which is an opportunity for Depict Data Studio students to come together to learn from experts, get extra training, and ask questions. Zach is a Tableau Zen Master and Tableau Ambassador and shared his expertise with us on […]
3 Tips for Visualizing Social Change Data
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I recently had the chance to be on the Community Possibilities® podcast with Ann Price. Ann owns Community Evaluation Solutions and helps community leaders plan and evaluate strategies to create lasting change. She started the podcast as a way to connect with community leaders to […]
The Inside Scoop on Excel with Bill Jelen (Mr. Excel)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I recently had the honor of speaking with Bill Jelen, a.k.a. Mr. Excel. He was a guest speaker inside our data analysis course, Simple Spreadsheets. He’s a big, big deal in the Excel community! I’ve internet-stalked him for years on his website and his […]
Why Nonprofits Shouldn’t Use Statistics
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Today’s article comes from Maryfrances Porter, Ph.D. & Alison Nagel, Ph.D of Partnerships for Strategic Impact. They were recently guest speakers in our Simple Spreadsheets course and had so many great insights! – Ann — Thank you to Ann Emery, Depict Data Studio, […]
The 30-3-1 Approach with Unlimited Visual Appendices: The Bare Minimum for Designing Reports that Actually Inform Decisions
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want to design reports that actually inform decisions? With software you already have?? Nobody wants to pour blood, sweat, and tears into a document that sits on a dusty shelf. In May 2021, I co-presented with Elizabeth Grim at the Eastern Evaluation Research […]
3 Common Reporting Hurdles—and How to Overcome Them
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I work with a lot of different groups — government, universities, foundations, nonprofits, for-profits and many others. One thing I’ve learned is that organization has a little bit different communication style. Some groups are report-heavy. Think lots of paragraphs, portrait, Calibri size 11 […]
Data Placemats: A 3-Step Process for Increasing Data Use
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want to make sure that your data gets used to inform decisions? Get your stakeholders involved in the sense-making process! Are you familiar with data placemats? Here’s how they work: Design Data Placemats Facilitate an Interpretation Meeting Include those Insights in the Final Report […]
Escaping the Bar Chart
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Bar charts aren’t evil. But they’re overused. Ready to escape the bar chart? I talked about Designs to Start Using Instead at the DataScienceGO conference in April 2021. Watch the Conference Session Choose Your Own Adventure This was a Choose Your Own Adventure […]