This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at In May 2023, I led a 45-minute session at Good Tech Fest about using pivot tables to analyze a dataset from start to finish. The conference recording wasn’t perfect — I got kicked out of the conference session midway, and again towards the […]
My 6 Data Communications Classes
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Did you know… that I teach six different classes? All of these classes fall under the broad data communications umbrella. One class focuses on data analysis (cleaning and tabulating our raw datasets to get them ready for graphs). Two classes focus on core […]
The Data Visualization Design Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Visualizing data in charts, graphs, dashboards, and infographics is one of the most powerful strategies for getting your numbers out of your spreadsheets and into real-world conversations. But it can be overwhelming to get started with data visualization. Does data visualization leave you […]
Review: Stefanie Posavec’s “Dataviz Drawing Class”
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Last month, I participated in Stefanie Posavec’s Dataviz Drawing Class. I LOVED the class! Wondering whether the class is right for you? What’s inside this review: Class logistics Why I signed up About the instructor What we learned Who this class is best […]
How to Make Great Graphs in Excel: 4 Levels of Excel Vizardry
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you drowning in the deep end of Excel? First, dip a toe in. And then another. You’ll be swimming confidently before you know it. 4 Levels of Excel Vizardry I’ve taught data visualization in Excel a dozen different ways over the years. […]
Take of Tour of the “Excel How-To’s” Templates
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Remember those “Excel for Dummies” books? I’d go to the public library, grab a dog-eared book off the shelf, and flip through the grayscale images trying to match the author’s screenshots to my own computer. They were always using a different version of […]
39+ Great Graphs You Can Make in Microsoft Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Bored of the basics? Want to take your graphs to the next level? Wondering what’s possible in Microsoft Excel? From A to Z, here are some of the amazing data visualizations that you can make inside of good ol’ Excel. Area Bars Bar’c […]
How to Visualize “Overall” Data or Averages in Bar Charts
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I was working with a state’s public health agency to visualize their data. We’ll call them the Statelandia Public Health Department. Before Here’s what their “before” version looked like. The information on how many adults overall had been diagnosed with high blood pressure […]
Embedded Legends Aren’t Enough
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I see these graphs a lot: The graph title tells us which line is which. In dataviz lingo, we call it “embedding the legend” in the graph title. What a clever style! But it’s not colorblind-friendly or grayscale-friendly. Let’s compare embedded legends (on […]
How to Influence Others with Your Data: SuperDataScience Podcast Interview
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at What is data storytelling? How do we overcome common pain points in data visualization and storytelling?? What’s the most important thing to keep in mind while editing our visualizations??? I recently discussed all these, and more, on the SuperDataScience podcast with the host, […]