This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I offer full-day workshops on 6 different topics. All of these classes fall under the broad data communications umbrella. You can choose from these 6 classes: Simple Spreadsheets Great Graphs Great Graphs in Excel Report Redesign Dashboard Design Powerful Presentations One class focuses […]
Your Dataviz Icons: Too Big and Too Dark?
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at If your boss doesn’t like your icons… they’re probably too big and too dark. Just like all your graphs, maps, and diagrams, your icons deserve some TLC, too. Icons can get cartoonish or steal the show if they’re not formatted well. What’s Inside […]
How to Make Maps in Excel (& File to Download)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at This tutorial was inspired by a foundation I work with. We were brainstorming what type of map to make. Maybe a color-coded map, showing how many grants they gave out in each state? Maybe a one-color map, showing which states they worked in […]
Breaking Barriers with Accessible Data Visualization
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A couple months ago, I recorded a podcast about Big A and little a accessibility. Today, it’s live! You can listen here: This is a short listen (15 min) with some techniques that are hopefully super obvious if you’ve been following my work […]
How to Write Dynamic Takeaway Sentences inside Interactive Excel Dashboards
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I’m a big fan of takeaway text: for reports, for presentations, and even for interactive dashboards. Sometimes people think that takeaway text isn’t possible for dynamic dashboards in Excel. They worry that they’ll have to write each sentence by hand. False! In this […]
How to Keep Headings in View When You Print or PDF (So Your Excel Table is Easier to Read)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Are you printing or PDFing that Excel table? If it’s a long table, and spills onto a second page, then you’ll need to keep the table headings in view. Here’s how you can repeat a few rows at the top of each page. […]
Dotted Lines are for Projections (& How-To Instructions for Excel)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Dotted lines have a specific purpose in dataviz: for projections or estimations. Not just because. Stick around for the how-to lesson in Microsoft Excel. You’ll learn how to select a single dot (or “marker”) along the line, which controls the preceding line segment. […]
Color on Color – Is This Readable??? Short Answer (NO!) & Long Answer (Official Contrast Checker)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Is “color on color” hard to read? Short answer: YES. Long answer: Let’s do an official color contrast check: You’ll also see how to fix it. What’s Inside 0:00 Intro to Yellow on Red Example from Workshop 0:16 The Short Answer (Avoid […]
How to Fix Dense Maps (with Small Multiples)
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at A good rule of thumb: If your map feels too dense… try small multiples! Before, we started with a single map… with 2 variables. Counts and rates. A bubble map on top of a heat map. After, we’ll use small multiples: 2 separate […]
STOP!!! Using Colored Body Font
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Brand colors are great. Color-coding by category is greater. But avoid using those brand colors as body font within paragraphs. Colored font is okay for headers, but not for the body. What’s Inside 0:00 Intro 0:31 Before: Example from a Public Workshop 1:33 […]