This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Is your chart… Too wide? Too narrow? Bars are too short? Weird white space? Labels not showing? Labels wrapped funny? If so, it’s probably the outside and/or inside border. If you’re not sure what I mean by outside and inside border, stick around! […]
How to Put Numbers AND Percentages in Graph Labels in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Want to put both the numbers and the percentages inside your Excel graph’s labels, like this? Text boxes are clunky and time-consuming. Instead, we’ll create Helper Cells with concatenated values. What’s Inside 0:00 Intro 0:33 Dataviz On The Go 0:42 Why not text […]
Why Isn’t My Map Working?!? 10 Excel Troubleshooting Tips
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at I have a love-hate relationship with maps in Excel… Pros of Excel Maps If you’re only making maps once in a while (i.e., you’re not a full-time cartographer), Excel maps are great because you don’t have to purchase/download/install/learn any specialty mapping software. Fast […]
How to Make Dumbbell Dot Plots in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Ready for a brain-bending tutorial? It’s *not* easy to make dot plots in Excel. These are non-native charts — meaning we’ll have to reconfigure our table, and use a scatter plot(!) — to trick Excel into making our dot plot. The learning curve […]
How to Apply Your Brand Colors in Dataviz
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Colors can make or break a chart. Colors direct our eye movements, and therefore our brains and attention. It’s up to you: will you help or hinder your reader’s understanding? Step 1: Start with Your Brand Colors Otherwise, your graphs, slides, and dashboards […]
What’s the Difference between Clustered Bars and Dumbbell Dots??
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Maybe you’re already familiar with dot plots… Maybe you’re already using them… Maybe you can make ’em in your sleep… Or maybe you have no idea what I’m even talking about! (If that’s the case, stick around! This video is for you.) You’ll […]
How to Add Checkboxes to Microsoft Excel **New Feature!**
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Did you know… that Excel now has checkboxes?!? In this video, you’ll learn: how to add checkboxes to your spreadsheet, how much better they look than the “old” way of doing it, and what types of details we can edit (like the checkbox […]
How to Label Only the Min and Max on the Excel Graph
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at By default, Excel will label TONS of increments along our y-axis scale. And if we’ve already got the exact values within the graph itself, the y-axis can become even more cluttered. In this video, you’ll learn how to adjust your graph’s vertical scale […]
How to Move Lines to Front or Back of the Chart in Excel
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Do you have a line chart with tons of lines? Sometimes, the line you want to highlight… is stuck all the way in the back. Nobody can see that line, because it’s all covered up. Oops! In this video, you’ll learn how to […]
Style Guides vs. Dataviz Style Guides vs. Templates
This is an Eval Central archive copy, find the original at Style guides, dataviz style guides, and templates, oh my! In this video, you’ll learn about the differences between each one, and see some quick examples, too. What’s Inside 0:00 Welcome 0:28 Ann’s Diagram re: Your Branding Resources 0:47 Variations by Company/Organization 1:27 […]