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Welcome to episode 002 of my cartoon Q&A series.
Technology and the web have really changed what it means to be a modern data professional. The way forward is mostly uncharted. Through these chats with a wide range of creative data professionals and evaluators, I hope to share a vision of what’s possible.
In today’s conversation I chat with Maria Montenegro, who is a credentialed evaluator living and working in Vancouver, BC. She is also the creator of The Evaluation Couch, a podcast discussing topics related to evaluation and navigating a career in evaluation.
Among other things, we talk about discovering evaluation as a career, the process of getting credentialed, Maria’s work with Eval Youth, and the real first step to starting a podcast. It was a fun conversation that inspired a set of 8 new comics, which you’ll see appear throughout the video.
The Comics from the Q&A
Defined by what we do, not what we learned.

What’s an evaluation framework?

Is this academic success?


Secret evaluator recruitment strategy.

Labor of love

Passion first podcast

If you never do it…